质量标准:【产品介绍】Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a serum
glycoprotein protein produced in the liver o r yolk sac
of fetal staged mammals. AFP synthesis is minimal
after birth a n d trace amount is expressed in the
adult liver (1). AFP gene expression is regulated by
the interactions between steroid h o r mone recept
o r s a n d transcriptional fact o r s in separate
signal transduction pathways (2). AFP functions as a
binding a n d transp o r ting lig a n d a n d cell
growth regulat o r . Elevated expression level of AFP
has been implicated in col o r ectal, ovarian,
pancreatic, testicular, a n d certain liver cancers.
High levels of AFP are also seen in some diseases such
as hepatitis a n d colitis. AFP is used as a
screening marker f o r fetal abn o r malities in
pregnant women such as Down syndrome. Recently, AFP
has been introduced as an anti-cancer drugs-lig
a n d carrier, transp o r ting drugs to target tum
o r cells, increasing anti-tum o r efficiency (3).
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